Following the work on Brimacombe Drive, the crews will also be pruning trees on the 100-200 block of Ash Drive, the 300 to 400 block of Second Street NE, The 300 block of Third Street NE, Fifth Avene N, the corner of King Street, Rick Smith Crescent, and the 600 block of Windsor Street. As the work progresses through the designated areas of the city, residents are asked to remove vehicles from the street to allow crews proper access for tree pruning. A total of around 380 trees will be pruned in this year’s program. Once work is completed in the area, crews will proceed to the 700 and 600 blocks of Brimacombe Dr., between 13th St. and Douglas. “No Parking Zone” signage will be placed on city-owned trees to remind residents to remove vehicles from the street.
The project is install new pedestrian ramps in 18 locations at nine intersections around the city, along with installing a new sidewalk in front of the new Legacy Park Elementary School on Fifth Street. At the March 22 meeting, Coun. Mel Van Betuw felt that the city should go with the low bid from A&B Concrete, even though the bid was incomplete. He noted that the City has used this firm before and they know their work, so they should be able to make an exception to the tender requirements. Some councillors were inclined to agree, but a concern was expressed that the city could look bad to bidding companies if they showed favouritism to a local company, and the city could be held legally liable if they didn’t hold to their own policy for awarding tenders.