astrophysicist at the hubble space science institute and the author of brilliant blunders. let s start there. why blunders? why are they productive? what was the goal of the book? so there were three goals to the book. one is to make us all feel a little bit better. namely that even the biggest geniuses make some serious blunders. second is to correct the misconception that some people think that science marches on a straight line from a to b when in fact it is really a zig zag path that encounters many, many blunders. and third to convey this notion that if you want to think outside the box, be prepared to meet some blunders along the way. chars darwin didn t know any genetics and we cannot blame him
and the main blunder really, in his case, is that just stubbornly refusing to accept even as evidence was mounting that the big bang was the correct theory. are you saying that he used the term big boang dericively? this was in a radio address. he wanted to create a mental picture for his listeners. basically he said on one hand we have this theory, and on the other, there are those who say it all started in one big bang. mario, you ll be happy to know in all of my science classes i almost always made blunders and that s why i m here today and not in a lab somewhere. but, you know, legend has it that thomas edison famously said, no, no, no, i didn t fail a thousand times to make a light bulb work, i came up with a thousand ways how not to make a light bulb. but are there any happy accidents that come out of these blunders where maybe you don t stumble through science to get to the point you were hoping,
but you do sort of go off route and find something else? some other wonderful discovery? well, yes. there are a number of such examples and discovery of penicillin is one such example. but, in fact, you will notice that i called the book brilliant blunders because of the reason that, in fact, all of the blunders i describe here eventually actually led to breakthroughs. i mean, the idea is that to make a really big discovery, you need to think outside the box. and to think outside the box really means that sometimes you re going to make blunders. right. and this is the way science really progresses. all right. mario livio, interesting things and certainly makes us all who have made a blue blunders feel better that geniuses have also made blunders. so thank you so much for the book and for joining us. thank you for having me. all right.