Ukraine said Thursday that it had repelled attempted Russian advances along the length of the front line of fighting in eastern and southern Ukraine, leaving the war in a stalemate a day ahead of the first anniversary of Moscow’s invasion. Russia controls about a fifth of Ukrainian territory, far short of the quick, countrywide takeover…
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KYIV/NEAR BAKHMUT (Reuters) -Ukraine said its forces had repelled Russian assaults along the length of the front line on Thursday on the eve of the war's anniversary, as President Vladimir Putin, empty-handed after a bloody winter offensive, talked up Russia's nuclear arsenal.
Ukraine said its forces had repelled Russian assaults along the length of the front line on Thursday on the eve of the war's anniversary, as President Vladimir Putin, empty-handed after a bloody winter offensive, talked up Russia's nuclear arsenal. After a series of strident speeches in the run-up to the…
President Putin raises possibility of boosting nuclear forces; Russia to deploy Sarmat ICBMs in 2023; China says sending weapons will not bring peace; 'Step back from the brink,' says UN chief.