May 16, 2021
Absolute perfect weather. Overflow crowd. Festive mood. Post-game fireworks.
All this checklist lacked was a win.
After the Blue Wahoos carried a 3-0 lead into the seventh inning, the Birmingham Barons rallied to tie the game in the eighth inning, then scored six runs in the 10
th for a 9-3 victory.
The crowd at Blue Wahoos Stadium filled both ends of the stands, the party decks and the grass berm behind the outfield.
The night also included Blue Wahoos president Jonathan Griffith getting his COVID-19 vaccine on top of the visitors’ dugout during the seventh inning stretch.
And he led the crowd in “Take Me Out To the Ballgame” while doing it, as part of a free vaccination opportunity provided by the Department of Health in Escambia County.