Have to deal with the repercussions of a robbery. A small fashion boutique in the heart of the south end, the owner is doing everything she can to make sure shes protecting herself and her business. We have a camera system we have a camera system, alarm system. We have a way to monitor our store from our computers and our cell phones as well. Other Business Owners say the best defense is power in numbers, which is why they are working hard to police the neighborhood with their own eyes and ears. As a neighborhood, w if we see any suspicious, you know, activity, just definitely call the police or, you know, let somebody in the store know. Now, the manager at the common market, which is another local business right here in the south end, told me over the phone that over the past two months, they have had two overnight breakins. They said they are doing their own business. Luckily, no one was injured, but police are still on the lookout away. We will bring you updates on the our website.
Class nosel noCC 01602 q janet jacksonJanet Jackson 3, Keith 3, Kelly Clarkson 3, Leonardo Dicaprio 2, Elton John 2, Oscar 2, Advil 1, Charlotte 1, Equestrianism 1, Roslyn 1, Heidi 1, Capella University 1, New York 1, Coolio 1, Tyga 1, Anna Annalise 1, Tweet The Oscars 1, Rihanna 1, Orlando 1, Robin 1 Network FOX Duration 00 30 00 Scanned in Charlotte, NC, USA Language English Source Antenna Tuner Channel v46. 1 Video Codec wmv2 Audio Cocec wmav2 Pixel width 320 Pixel height 240 Audio Visual sound, color