American petroleum institute. Thanks to president obama for the confidence, like an old soldier. So said David Petraeus 15 months ago, september 2011, when he was sworn in as director of the Central Intelligence agency, petraeus was nominated by president obama replacing outgoing cia director leon panetta. Now head of the department of defense. But petraeus suddenly resigned one week ago in petraeus own words, a quote unquote extramarital affair. The woman in question, Paula Broadwell who is also married and cowrote a 400page biography of general petraeus last year when petraeus was still the Top Commander in afghanistan. It is a portrait of modern warfare. And i tried to show in the back how his ideas are playing out on the ground through the poor traits of three battalion commanders. Petraeus still has a stellar reputation. A fourstar general, with a 37 year military career. He was chosen by president george w. Bush to oversee the surge strategy in iraq in 2007. He was sent by presid
Thanks to president obama for the confidence, like an old soldier. So said David Petraeus 15 months ago, september 2011, when he was sworn in as director of the Central Intelligence agency, petraeus was nominated by president obama replacing outgoing cia director leon panetta. Now head of the department of defense. But petraeus suddenly resigned one week ago in petraeus own words, a quote unquote extramarital affair. The woman in question, Paula Broadwell who is also married and cowrote a 400page biography of general petraeus last year when petraeus was still the Top Commander in afghanistan. It is a portrait of modern warfare. And i tried to show in the back how his ideas are playing out on the ground through the poor traits of three battalion commanders. Petraeus still has a stellar reputation. A fourstar general, with a 37 year military career. He was chosen by president george w. Bush to oversee the surge strategy in iraq in 2007. He was sent by president obama to be the Top Comman
One week ago in petraeus own words, a quote unquote extramarital affair. The woman in question, Paula Broadwell who is also married and cowrote a 400page biography of general petraeus last year when petraeus was still the Top Commander in afghanistan. It is a portrait of modern warfare. And i tried to show in the back how his ideas are playing out on the ground through the poor traits of three battalion commanders. Petraeus still has a stellar reputation. A fourstar general, with a 37 year military career. He was chosen by president george w. Bush to oversee the surge strategy in iraq in 2007. He was sent by president obama to be the Top Commander in afghanistan, heading isaf, the International Security assistance force. So how did this affair come to light . When this woman, jill kelley, a married tampa bay socialite, complained to the fbi that she was receiving harassing emails from an anonymous sender. She registered the complaint this past summer. The fbi investigated and in the pr
Stephen welcome to the report. Welcome. Thank you so much. Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen stephen cheers and applause stephen thank you, folks. Sit down. Folks thank you so much. Oh, you, my brother, it was gorgeous and yum, why um. Thank you so much for being here tonight. I told you all about the recent surge of violence in iraq and how it caught president obama with his mom jeans down. laughter but you know what they say every brutal terrorist onslaught has a silver lining. In this case it brought back my old pals, the iraq pack, and they are sing the same old tune. Look, i think we should have found a way to keep an american presence in iraq. President bush did exactly the right thing in overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Im not responsible for iraq today. Thats because of what barack obama did. General petraeus had the conflict won, thanks to the surge. We had the conflict won. And we had a stable government. Stephen john mccain is right we had t
cheers and applause stephen welcome to the report. Welcome. Thank you so much. Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen stephen cheers and applause stephen thank you, folks. Sit down. Folks thank you so much. Oh, you, my brother, it was gorgeous and yum, why um. Thank you so much for being here tonight. I told you all about the recent surge of violence in iraq and how it caught president obama with his mom jeans down. laughter but you know what they say every brutal terrorist onslaught has a silver lining. In this case it brought back my old pals, the iraq pack, and they are sing the same old tune. Look, i think we should have found a way to keep an american presence in iraq. President bush did exactly the right thing in overthrowing Saddam Hussein. Im not responsible for iraq today. Thats because of what barack obama did. General petraeus had the conflict won, thanks to the surge. We had the conflict won. And we had a stable government. Stephen john mcca