people, our first vaccinated holiday, and this weather is bad news for that. there was baseball-sized hail in texas again yesterday and an awful lot of lightning, brie na na. that s what people are concerned about, lightning everywhere. this weather is brought to you by carvana, the new way to buy a car. yes, it acts up again today, the heat is here, the humidity is here. it s feeling like late spring. there will be more hail, tornados in the central plains. but by tomorrow, that gets farther to the east. there will be a chance of a wind gust or lightning around the northeast, pennsylvania, new england as well. this is the area. look how this is lit up. tomorrow afternoon, hail, rainstorms, showers. then the cold front comes by and things get a whole lot better. you go from 90 in new york to 62 by saturday afternoon.
congressional correspondent phil mattingly. he s on capitol hill for us. what are you hearing, phil, with republicans about their concerns over the current gop plan? we re currently trying to defined, brie na, what occurred. speaker ryan asking about obamacare endorsing their plan. most notably, refundable tax credits. that s an issue hanging up conservatives. those opposed to the idea end up thinking that h become a large federal program somewhat eakin to obamacare. that s not what they want them to think obviously and i think the key is they spoke with senator ted cruz. his concerns still stand. but at that meeting today with congressional leaders and president trump, the big issue is how can they work together to move this forward and we re