Chief medical officer of health COVID-19 update – December 16, 2020
Alberta’s chief medical officer of health and officials provide an update on COVID-19 and the ongoing work to protect public health.
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Thank you, Tom, and good afternoon everyone.
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling issue, we do not have sign language interpreters with us today.
They are an important part of communicating with Albertans and they will be back tomorrow.
A full transcript of my remarks will be posted online, as always.
Christel Yardley/Stuff
Cambridge’s Victoria Street Bridge was built in 1907 but still has 20 years life left before it needed to be replaced.
Pressure is mounting on the Waipā District Council to “put a pin on the map” to show Cambridge’s business community where a third bridge could be built across the Waikato River. But the council said a third bridge, linking Cambridge and Leamington, would cost between $60 million to $70 million and without a Government subsidy, Waipā ratepayers would have to pay the bill. Representatives of the council met with Cambridge Chamber of Commerce members, fittingly, at the Bridges Church in Cambridge, recently to talk over the pros and cons of a new bridge.