"It just never occurred to me as a possibility that they wouldn’t give at least a small amount as a belated wedding gift to the bride and groom, given they wouldn’t have had the ticket without them."
on t top of the e worlddddd!! bebefore advilil. adadvil targetets pain at thehe source ofof inflammat. when pain n comes for r yo, cocome back fafast with advil liququi-gels. john: finally, tonight, from the ashes of ruin comes a story of true love. here is cbs s steve hartman on the road. reporter: bride and groom elizabeth and jake landuyt say their wedding was like a fairy tale. you may grace your bride to. everything we could have dreamed of. reporter: until. my dad was doing his father of the bride speech, and just a minute in, he was interrupted by some of our guests. house on fire. reporter: and that was the end of that.
Newlyweds Alec And Lissy Are Facing Backlash On TikTok After Posting A Non-traditional Moment From Their Wedding Ceremony. The TikTok Video, Which Amassed Over 9 Million Views, Shows Alec Leaving His Bride At The Altar To Perform A Funny Skit With His Groomsmen Where They Pretend To Get Him Ready For The Big Kiss. While Some Think The Moment Was A Cute Way Of Showing Guests The Couple's Personality, Others Say They Would Be Livid If It Happened To Them.