The Exclusive LEGO House Moulding Machine by Thita (admin)
An interesting set that emerged a few days ago is the #40502 LEGO House Brick Moulding Machine. This is the newest product in the limited edition series of LEGO House exclusives only available in Billund, Denmark. Below are the details.
The LEGO House team believes that having exclusive sets available for those who visit the attraction adds significantly to this pinnacle LEGO experience. Thus, exclusive sets have been offered ever since the opening of the LEGO House.
The first three exclusive products were the #21037 LEGO House Architecture set from 2017, the #4000026 LEGO House Tree of Creativity from 2018, and the #40366 LEGO House Dinosaurs from 2019.
4000001 Moulding Machine prodotto in sole 68 copie e ragalato per l’
Inside Tour del 2011.
L’anno scorso, a causa della pandemia di coronavirus, LEGO aveva messo in vendita per un limitato periodo di tempo i set esclusivi in quanto la LEGO House era stata chiusa. Ed inoltre in Italia era arrivato solo il set 21037 Architecture LEGO House mentre gli altri due no.
Non è detto che anche quest’anno possa accadere una cosa simile, dandoci la possibilità di acqusitare su LEGO Shop il set in questione.
Di seguito la press release ufficiale.
LEGO® House reveals new LEGO House Exclusive product: 40502 – The Brick Moulding Machine