supporters very excited and yet he s battling a looming indictment on on charges of bribery corruption and they don t but they don t worried about that. it seems those people voted for him then north korea about that they actually most of them would say this is a compelling against him they were saying that this is sometimes because of doubt boating for him to support him and of course those who don t want wanted him to be another time prime minister they wanted to change they were concerned about this now his position is a bit up in the air because basically what the attorney general said it s an intention to indicted for corruption charges now we need to wait for a hearing it s not quite clear when this hearing will happen and then there will be a decision whether to indict him or not so then it s of course the question
invite him to. i know the media won t help in that regard. yesterday during sarah huckabee sanders press briefing, this is right after al franken s news broke, number one topic on twitter. everybody s talking about it. let me break down for you the transcript of the press briefing. 15 questions on roy moore. how many questions on al franken? one. how many on robert menendez? one with. what do those politicians have in common? they re both sitting senators and they have two questions combined while roy moore got 15 from the white house press corps. that s biased. that s crazy. let me job on the men de den menendez situation. yes, he had a mistrial that trial wasn t even looking at many of the sexual allegations. an ethics committee will look at that with bob menendez, the tawdry accounts of what happened when he went on the trips. that s bribery corruption. no. no. no. harassment is the allegation. these are issues that, look,
i told my cousin not to make those calls. the point is you didn t we didn t mention on the show that senator from washington gets calls and threatened and fbi arrested somebody. you get called and threatened. i get called and threatened. maybe that s true. the last one was nasty. somebody said they would string me up. i won t get into it. you know how many people asked me to throw this football at your head. i understand i am the focus of rage. i can take it. to purposebly try to alienate a group with the majority you have healthcare being so close is because americans patriots with loud voices said not only no, hell no, we don t want the bribery corruption. my problem is connecting that up and give that go credit to the tea mar party movement. 40 percent democrat 40 percent independent. we will see. we will see in november.
i told my cousin not to make those calls. the point is you didn t we didn t mention on the show that senator from washington gets calls and threatened and fbi arrested somebody. you get called and threatened. i get called and threatened. maybe that s true. the last one was nasty. somebody said they would string me up. i won t get into it. you know how many people asked me to throw this football at your head. i understand i am the focus of rage. i can take it. to purposebly try to alienate a group with the majority you have healthcare being so close is because americans patriots with loud voices said not only no, hell no, we don t want the bribery corruption. my problem is connecting that up and give that go credit to the tea mar party movement. 40 percent democrat 40 percent independent. we will see. we will see in november.
the liveliest. the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. the trade just keep begins to bite again china s currency enjoys its was just a month ever could the raul rattle the world s second largest economy. the head of latvia central bank faces prosecution for bribery corruption plagues the country s financial system. and dodgy bank flanks the fed stress test but share price gains share with vest as prying. i did for one let s do business latvia s central bank governor is taking to the. than today of