welcome back to andrea mitchell reports. and this story developing now. the white house has just disclosed camille johnston, the communications director for first lady michelle obama, has just disclosed that michelle obama s father was one with of the people buried in that cemetery outside of chicago. we re talking about frazier robinson iii. he was a pump operator. he died when the first lady was very young and he was buried in burr oaks cemetery. with me now is mark whitaker. this is such a compelling story out of chicago. we saw the emmett till family and the emotion over that and we don t even know how many graves were moved by these cemetery operators who were apparently trying to make money by taking people out of their graves and reselling the plots. it must be agony for the families. this was a very disturbing story to begin with. this adds another dimension. we have to find out. we have assumed, right now, that the motives were purely monetary. was there perhaps