Combating core vapgs core imperative of the operation for security and cooperation in europe or the ofce. Corruption takes many forms, but the one that concerns us today is clep tokcracy or rule by heed. Nowhere is this idea of corruption as a system of government more fully realized than in the russian federation. Russia has been on a steady path to clep krotic authoritarianism ever since putin entered the seen 18 years ago. Since then, a new generation has entered adulthood, one that does not remember a russia before putin. As these young russian men and women enter the workforce, they confront institutions in both the public and private sectors that have been completely assimilated into putins clep toe crat tick architecture and are left with the choice to ielker be coopted into this corrupt system, or effected from it. While put continue is the central figure responsible for russians dispense into clep toe crattic rule, hes not the only one. A strong man of the kremlin is surround