/PRNewswire/ Gregory & Appel Insurance is pleased to announce that Steve Appel, vice president, was recently elected as Chairman of TechAssure Association.
/PRNewswire/ Gregory & Appel Insurance is pleased to announce that Steve Appel, vice president, was recently elected as Chairman of TechAssure Association.
/PRNewswire/ TechAssure Association, an association of independent insurance agencies who excel in technology, venture capital, life sciences, and cleantech.
AHT Insurance Partner Schermerhorn Elected as Chairman of TechAssure Association February 17, 2021
AHT Insurance, a Baldwin Risk Partner, has announced that Partner Brian Schermerhorn was recently elected as chairman of TechAssure Association Inc., a consortium of independent insurance agents and brokers who focus on technology-related risks and have expertise in technology, life sciences and cleantech industries.
As chairman, Schermerhorn will work directly with TechAssure committee chairs and strategic alliances to ensure that the association’s goals and objectives are reached. He has more than 23 years of experience in the insurance industry, 11 of which was with AHT, and serves as a leader for AHT’s Technology Practice Group.