Carpentry was an essential craft across communities. In Malta, the traditional trade of carpentry has been practised in a variety of forms since prehistoric tim
As Malta – like the rest of Europe – tries to adjust to a ‘new normal’, the sudden increase in demands for goods and services simply cannot be met by a supply-chain that has been so severely curtailed
From small entrepreneurs to Malta’s major industrialists, talk of the 'supply chain' going awry is raising fears of a major economic upheaval in 2022
On one hand, modern hotels, lavish meals prepared by the seasoned hands of a club chef and daily trips out for training. On the other, gruesome meals and cramped rooms.
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Two of the newest cases were reported in Owen Sound while a single infection has been reported in Chatsworth.
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Try refreshing your browser. COVID: three new infections confirmed in Grey-Bruce Tuesday Back to video
As of the latest 24-hour reporting period, ending just before midnight Monday, there were 71 active and confirmed COVID-19 cases in the region and 123 high-risk contacts.
Five COVID-19 patients are in hospital locally and one other Grey-Bruce resident is receiving care outside of the region.
Nineteen Grey-Bruce residents have died with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.