Bremer ousts 2 trustees from corporate board
The decision to remove Otto Bremer Trust trustees Brian Lipschultz and Daniel Reardon follows months of legal fighting over the fate of the Bremer Financial Corp. and its major asset, St. Paul-based Bremer Bank, a $13 billion financial institution and one of Minnesota’s largest farm lenders.
Written By:
Frederick Melo / St. Paul Pioneer Press | 6:54 pm, Apr. 29, 2021 ×
ST. PAUL Shareholders with the Bremer Financial Corp. voted Thursday, April 29, to oust two members of their parent company, the Otto Bremer Trust, one of the state’s oldest philanthropies, from the corporation’s board of directors. The two members were not replaced.
The decision to remove Otto Bremer Trust trustees Brian Lipschultz and Daniel Reardon follows months of legal fighting over the fate of the Bremer Financial Corp. and its major asset, St. Paul-based Bremer Bank, a $13 billion financial institution and one of Minnesota’s largest farm lenders.
Bremer ousts 2 trustees from corporate board
The decision to remove Otto Bremer Trust trustees Brian Lipschultz and Daniel Reardon follows months of legal fighting over the fate of the Bremer Financial Corp. and its major asset, St. Paul-based Bremer Bank, a $13 billion financial institution and one of Minnesota’s largest farm lenders.
Written By:
Frederick Melo / St. Paul Pioneer Press | 6:54 pm, Apr. 29, 2021 ×
ST. PAUL Shareholders with the Bremer Financial Corp. voted Thursday, April 29, to oust two members of their parent company, the Otto Bremer Trust, one of the state’s oldest philanthropies, from the corporation’s board of directors. The two members were not replaced.
Bremer ousts 2 trustees from corporate board
The decision to remove Otto Bremer Trust trustees Brian Lipschultz and Daniel Reardon follows months of legal fighting over the fate of the Bremer Financial Corp. and its major asset, St. Paul-based Bremer Bank, a $13 billion financial institution and one of Minnesota’s largest farm lenders.
Written By:
Frederick Melo / St. Paul Pioneer Press | 6:54 pm, Apr. 29, 2021 ×
ST. PAUL Shareholders with the Bremer Financial Corp. voted Thursday, April 29, to oust two members of their parent company, the Otto Bremer Trust, one of the state’s oldest philanthropies, from the corporation’s board of directors. The two members were not replaced.
Bremer ousts 2 trustees from corporate board
The decision to remove Otto Bremer Trust trustees Brian Lipschultz and Daniel Reardon follows months of legal fighting over the fate of the Bremer Financial Corp. and its major asset, St. Paul-based Bremer Bank, a $13 billion financial institution and one of Minnesota’s largest farm lenders.
Written By:
Frederick Melo / St. Paul Pioneer Press | 6:54 pm, Apr. 29, 2021 ×
ST. PAUL Shareholders with the Bremer Financial Corp. voted Thursday, April 29, to oust two members of their parent company, the Otto Bremer Trust, one of the state’s oldest philanthropies, from the corporation’s board of directors. The two members were not replaced.