After unthinkable tragedy struck one of the Milwaukee-area s first holiday parades of the year, local communities are reconsidering their parade plans.
After unthinkable tragedy struck one of the Milwaukee-area s first holiday parades of the year, local communities are reconsidering their parade plans.
Additional Gun Found Linked to Monday Fatal Shooting in Two Rivers By Rob Sussman
May 20, 2021 | 5:41 PM
TWO RIVERS, WI (WTAQ) An additional firearm linked to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old in Two Rivers on Monday night was discovered by police on Thursday.
Police found the firearm after several days of searching. Residents who lived near the area had pointed out the general location where they believed the gun might have been on Monday, but it took most of the week to find it.
A 19-year-old man, Joshua Walcott, was arrested for the murder. Four others were arrested as part of the investigation into the shooting.