SIR – I joined Sunday’s march against anti-Semitism in central London (report, November 27). Being present at this event, which felt more like a peace vigil, was an enormous privilege. I spoke to many strangers and overheard countless conversations. The total absence of hatred, or desire for vengeance, encapsulated this solemn, dignified occasion. I am proud of my fellow attendees, and of the millions of British people who share the value of tolerance on display that day. Philip Duly Haslemere,
SIR – I was sorry to read Charles Moore’s account (Notebook, March 4) of his friend’s nasty road accident in East Sussex, caused by a pothole.
SIR – Regarding the BBC’s policy towards Gary Lineker, one assumes that when footballers take to the pitch they accept that if they break the rules the referee will sanction them.