WATERTOWN — The Town Council, meeting Monday, April 18, listened to Brian Humes of Jacunski Humes Architects, Berlin, as he presented information regarding the feasibly of constructing a new police
The Board of Selectmen at its most recent meeting approved a $12,000 lump sum payment for a New Britain-based architecture firm to come up with schematic designs for a renovated New Canaan Police Department building. The “renovate-as-new” NCPD project design from Kaestle Boos Associates Inc. at the existing South Avenue site “will include an overall […]
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — The Police Station Committee met with Brian Humes of Jacunski & Humes Architects on Wednesday for a Q&A on the site, design and specifics of the proposed new.
LANESBOROUGH, Mass. — The Conservation Commission recommended an enforcement order to remediate wetlands at 550 North Main St. after workers placed a utility vault in the wetlands.