ainsley: the storm is on the move after hitting florida yesterday a massive funnel cloud was spotted in jacksonville. one person was killed there when a tree fell on two cars. the storm also hitting georgia. our got hit hard. there is trailers upside down. trailers in the lake. it s intense. ainsley: ten people hurt when a suspected tornado ripped through a naval base in kings bay, georgia. brian: janice dean has been tracking the storm. she joins us now. hey, janice. janice: a lot 6 people saying downgraded to a tropical storm. you know what? i mean it s still going to be with us today and tomorrow along heavily populated areas along the i-95 corridor and tornado watch still in effect for parts of north carolina up to sorry, south carolina towards virginia. we had the risk for tornadoes. tropical tornadoes that could cause structural damage. already reports of several tornadoes across the carolinas. i just want to make mention that is pretty rare to see a tropical
wearing masks and both vaccinated. ainsley: randi weingarten represents the second largest the largest one. they looked at all these measures they have approved, they decided they need more attention. and one of the delegates want to implement responsive education for k through 12 and higher education. also want racial justice training for all school employees and similar training for students. brian: here s the problem. they also deny they are teaching it. so, on the promise we are not teaching it. ainsley: raising that you will money to sue. brian: suing and talking about how they are going to teach it this guy kendi who is their guest speaker says kids should be taught as early as 11 years old it seems to me they are teaching it. why are you fighting for something you are not doing? ainsley: these teachers in these five state that have banned it in their classrooms, if the teachers decide to teach critical race theory, then they will probably lose their jobs, right? pete: maybe, i d
would even be heard? september? yeah. i think that the virginia supreme court, there is no timetable for them. but i think we ll likely hear something from them in the next 30 days. buff then we actually have a trial scheduled before the district court for a final decision in early september. brian: real quick, where s the teacher s union on this. are you guys unionized? we are not unionized in virginia. we have something like that but, no. brian: all right. you are on your own and tyson is there to help you out. tyson continue to follow this sensational hearings are going on, but i think in loudoun county they are fighting for a lot of american school districts across the country. tanner cross, thanks so much. tyson lang hough, thank you. brian, thanks for having us on. we really appreciate it. brian: you got it have a great day and great summer. we did reach out to loudoun county schools a spokesperson says they do not comment on pending litigation. let s check in with janice d
they can politicize them. what about all these kids? we don t know their names. brian: ainsley, do you understand politically what has happened? he wanted to talk about how bad the cops were. how law enforcement reform has to take place and we are going to give a chance for minorities to shine for the first time and something happened along the way, reality, crime went crazy. cops were told to stand back. they left the job. they have put town their badge. they didn t want to respond when they got admission into the academy. now is he looking around and saying what is napping every major city? crime is surging? what is my approval among the american people, not democrats and republicans when it comes to crime? it is under 40%. in fact, i think it s under 35%. so now you are forced to go into where the crime ridden areas are and try to finesse your way around it and blame the gun not the shooter. pete: that s it. brian: the manufacturer, not the criminal. pete: all they do is talk about
pasted. ainsley: happens in politics on the right and the left, but you give them money, you give these candidates money if they win and you hope they do and you meet with all the candidates before if you are an organization, especially one this powerful to find out which one is on your team and you give that candidate the money when you go to them and you need help, they will give you help. brian: most teachers if they were given a choice would have went back to school especially if they were vaccinated. 17 minutes after the hour, jillian mele, you have the latest. jillian: talk about the weather and tropical storm here. tropical storm elsa is slamming south carolina right now. prompting multiple tornado warnings. it is expected to hit north carolina later today as it heads up the east coast with tropical storm warnings as far as north as boston. the storm slammed florida yesterday. a funnel cloud was spotted over jacksonville. one person was killed when a tree fell on two cars. and i