EPHRATA – Grant County’s Community Court celebrated its first graduate after a year of serving the county with a program designed to divert defendants away from a cycle of jail time, substance use, arrests and more jail time Wednesday afternoon.
State Rep. Alex Ybarra, R–Quincy, attended the event and said it was an emotional experience and equated changing the court environment to choosing a school that works for a student. While a criminal court may help some, Community Court might be a better fit for others.
EPHRATA – Grant County has its share of repeat offenders who can be considered proverbial frequent fliers through the court system, but a program that began about a year ago works to help them land on firmer runways as they move through the system.
MOSES LAKE – Heading into its 25th year, Moses Lake Grid Kids continues to provide opportunities to youth athletes on the gridiron.
Grid Kids offers both flag and tackle football teams to youth football players in Moses Lake and beyond.