Debate with for International Women to speak up. They can send someone to. Thank you over on the welcome to this special edition of our twenty one at the Global Media Forum today here in bonn my name is karen homestead and its a great pleasure to be here eight months into the post me two era weve seen it spawn countless other protests most notably the times up campaign and the interesting thing and striking thing about these protests is that they started in the cultural sector which raises of course the questions how powerful is culture how powerful are women in culture in the wake of me to Time Magazine made the silence breakers its collective person of the year for two thousand and seventeen saying their actions and least one of the highest velocity shifts in our culture since the one nine hundred sixty s. Well wed like to see just how much that statement can hold up can this movement empower women globally or are we with our western perspective perhaps overestimating its reach. Than
Debate with four International Women who speak up. Ive. Made sense and so many. Thank you over all my welcome to this special edition of arts twenty one at the Global Media Forum today here in bonn my name is karen homestead and its a great pleasure to be here eight months into the post me two era weve seen it spawn countless other protests most notably the times up campaign and the interesting thing and striking thing about these protests is that they started in the cultural sector which raises of course the questions how powerful is culture how powerful are women in culture in the wake of me to Time Magazine made the silence breakers its collective person of the year for two thousand and seventeen saying their actions and least one of the highest velocity shifts in our culture since the one nine hundred sixty s. Well wed like to see just how much that statement can hold up can this movement empower women globally or are we with our western perspective perhaps overestimating its reach
Debate with four International Women who speak up. And says how much. Thank you i am welcome to this special edition of arts twenty one at the Global Media Forum today here in bonn my name is karen homestead and its a great pleasure to be here eight months into the post me two era weve seen it spawn countless other protests most notably the times up campaign and the interesting thing and striking thing about these protests is that they started in the cultural sector which raises of course the questions how powerful is culture how powerful are women in culture in the wake of me to Time Magazine made the silence breakers its collective person of the year for two thousand and seventeen saying their actions and least one of the highest velocity shifts in our culture since the one nine hundred sixty s. Well wed like to see just how much that statement can hold up can this movement empower women globally or are we with our western perspective perhaps overestimating its reach. Thank you thank
Special with karen helm staff at georgia bella global media farm in bonn. The big debate with four International Women who speak up. I. Think. It is an essential moment. Thank you over warm welcome to this special edition of arts twenty one at the Global Media Forum today here in bonn my name is karen homestead and its a great pleasure to be here eight months into the post me two era weve seen it spawn countless other protests most notably the times up campaign and the interesting thing and striking thing about these protests is that they started in the cultural sector which raises of course the questions how powerful is culture how powerful are women in culture in the wake of me to Time Magazine made the silence breakers. Its collective person of the year for two thousand and seventeen saying their actions and least one of the highest velocity shifts in our culture since the one nine hundred sixty s. Well wed like to see just how much that statement can hold up can this movement empow