Last year, when I was in zoom teaching hell and desperately looking for videos or podcasts with my contracts heroes to try and give my students a window into the magic of contract law and theory, I was unable to.
Bix on Postema on Dworkin & Conventions
Brian Bix (University of Minnesota Law School) has posted Protestant Interpretation, Conventions, and Legal Truth (Thomas Bustamante & Thiago Lopes Decat (eds.), Philosophy of Law as an Integral Part of Philosophy: Essays on the Jurisprudence of Gerald J. Postema (Hart Publishing, 2020)) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
Gerald Postema has made influential contributions to many parts of legal philosophy (as well as moral philosophy, political philosophy, and the history of philosophy). This article focuses on the intersection of just two of those points of influence his critique of Ronald Dworkin’s work and with his equally important discussion of the role of conventions at the foundation of legal practice and legal theory – to consider some implications for the difficult question of truth in law.