crate everywhere democrats don t want to support him and be on stage with him. kate bettingfield doesn t wand to work with him any more. what is surprising to supporters is how fast he s falling on the stage. domestically it s been a disaster. but in trying to explain away his short comings, invokes vladimir putin. we have a long way to go because of what i call the putin tax increase, because of gasoline and all that grain he s keeping from being able to get to the market. brian: his numbers will arguably never recover after he chose to leave the longest war in afghanistan, consciously leaving our own people behind. and the decision to empty our strategic oil reserve to lessen the gas prices. what happened to gas prices? they went up? it turns out the oil being released isn t for us. brian: thought only has he not brought down the price of gas using our emergency fuel, he s make us less secure because there is less of it. the nations benefiting are china and india. china
crate everywhere democrats don t want to support him and be on stage with him. kate bettingfield doesn t wand to work with him any more. what is surprising to supporters is how fast he s falling on the stage. domestically it s been a disaster. but in trying to explain away his short comings, invokes vladimir putin. we have a long way to go because of what i call the putin tax increase, because of gasoline and all that grain he s keeping from being able to get to the market. brian: his numbers will arguably never recover after he chose to leave the longest war in afghanistan, consciously leaving our own people behind. and the decision to empty our strategic oil reserve to lessen the gas prices. what happened to gas prices? they went up? it turns out the oil being released isn t for us. brian: thought only has he not brought down the price of gas using our emergency fuel, he s make us less secure because there is less of it. the nations benefiting are china and india. china
crate everywhere democrats don t want to support him and be on stage with him. kate bettingfield doesn t wand to work with him any more. what is surprising to supporters is how fast he s falling on the stage. domestically it s been a disaster. but in trying to explain away his short comings, invokes vladimir putin. we have a long way to go because of what i call the putin tax increase, because of gasoline and all that grain he s keeping from being able to get to the market. brian: his numbers will arguably never recover after he chose to leave the longest war in afghanistan, consciously leaving our own people behind. and the decision to empty our strategic oil reserve to lessen the gas prices. what happened to gas prices? they went up? it turns out the oil being released isn t for us. brian: thought only has he not brought down the price of gas using our emergency fuel, he s make us less secure because there is less of it. the nations benefiting are china and india. china
crate everywhere democrats don t want to support him and be on stage with him. kate bettingfield doesn t wand to work with him any more. what is surprising to supporters is how fast he s falling on the stage. domestically it s been a disaster. but in trying to explain away his short comings, invokes vladimir putin. we have a long way to go because of what i call the putin tax increase, because of gasoline and all that grain he s keeping from being able to get to the market. brian: his numbers will arguably never recover after he chose to leave the longest war in afghanistan, consciously leaving our own people behind. and the decision to empty our strategic oil reserve to lessen the gas prices. what happened to gas prices? they went up? it turns out the oil being released isn t for us. brian: thought only has he not brought down the price of gas using our emergency fuel, he s make us less secure because there is less of it. the nations benefiting are china and india. china
brian: every time we mention vladimir putin, the putin price hike. we make vladimir putin look for powerful to his own people and across the globe. why can t he see that his own domestic political fortunes, even though we are not buying it anyway. every time anything has happened in the world in recent years. this is a great reason to go green faster. remember at the beginning of covid, charles schwab, the world bank types, trudeau up in canada and the democrats. the great thing about coronavirus, it has an upside. we can go green faster.