Thank you. Glory, golory hallelujah his truth is marching on glory, glory hallelujah glory, glory hallelujah his truth is marching on glory, glory hallelujah glory, glory hallelujah glory, glory hallelujah his truth is marching on my good friend and great republican dick nixon and your charming wife pat, my running mate, that wonderful republican who served us so well for so long, bill miller, and his wife stephanie, to thureston martin who has done such a commendable job in chairing this convention, to mr. Herbert hoover who i hope is watching, and to that that Great American and his wife general and mrs. Eisenhower. To my own wife, my family, and to all of my fellow republicans here assembled and americans across this great nation, from this moment united and determined, we will go forward together, dedicated to the ultimate and undeniable greatness of the whole man. Together together we will win. I accept your nomination with a deep sense of humility. I accept too the responsibility
Welcome to the kansas city public library. I am henry fortunato, director of public affairs. I want to thank you all for participating in my ongoing Stealth Campaign to provide speaking opportunities for all of my buds from graduate school. My all the guys i went to graduate school with at the university of kansas. Tonights entrant in that category is brian allen drake. An up and coming environmental historian who studied under the incomparable donald warster and now a lecturer in history at the university of georgia. But before i tell you any more about brian, let me introduce the topic of his talk by adapting an opening line that another one of our fellow graduate students used every fall on the first day of the undergraduate history classes that he taught. 100 years from now, he would say, all of you will be hows that for a wakeup at 8 00 in the morning . For a sleepy undergraduate . 100 years from now, all of you will be dead, and unless you accomplish something utterly extraordina