Pete Gagliardo is a resident of Putnam Lake, NY and a family friend. Recently, Pete reached out to the I-95 Morning Show through our boss John D. to make us aware of a Facebook scam he fell victim to. We invited Pete on the Monday (2/5/24) edition of the I95 Morning Show to explain the scam in detail.
The STOP-DWI Holiday Season High Visibility Engagement Campaign is one of many statewide initiatives promoted by STOP-DWI NY and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee.
He says Connecticut sucks, I know and can prove Florida sucks and we go back and forth over text taking our best shots. The following list is going to be a great resource for me to taunt my Florida friend.
The research was conducted by a personal injury law firm in Florida, The Schiller Kessler Group who analyzed hospital data all across the counrty to find average wait times in each state and the Nutmeg State's data was scary.
Those are the words ABC feeds us every time they debut a new season of the Bachelor or any of it's spin-off series. While the most dramatic has become sort of cliche with these shows, they somehow manage to deliver on that promise.