In the fictional world of the hit NBC sitcom “The Office,” Meredith Palmer is prone to mishaps, can be snarky and is known to enjoy a beverage or two. But Kate Flannery, the actress who portrayed the Dunder Mifflin employee for nine seasons, is nothing like her character. Just ask
MILWAUKEE Right-hander Jordan Zimmermann, the pride of Auburndale, Wis. and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, who made a pair of All-Star teams with the Nationals, twice garnered National League Cy Young Award votes and once led the NL in wins before struggling to shoulder the expectations of a $100 million contract with Detroit, decided to retire from professional baseball this week.
It might have been the shortest retirement in history.
“I think I was retired for about two hours,” Zimmermann said.
In a turnaround straight out of a movie script, Zimmermann is continuing his professional career with the team he cheered for as a boy. He told the story of this dramatic turn of events on Friday, a day after the Brewers called Zimmermann to the big leagues and put him on the cusp of becoming the 11th Wisconsin native to wear the uniform in a regular-season game.