Our Hero: Little Torah
The Tattooed Torah has been life changing
. I was inspired to dig deeper, better understand Little Torah’s journey from Brno to Chicago, so I retraced the path. My soul had been yearning to face the reality of my People’s/Little Torah’s history. The experience was profoundly meaningful…
Brno town square. Beautiful but considered dangerous, where Jews were rounded up and taken away.
Continuing to build the team: #13 Little Torah. The Journey…Brno-Prague-Michle-London-Chicago. I flew to Prague (with family) during Passover, (holiday of redemption) then drove three hours to Brno, Little Torah’s birthplace. Walking through the streets of Brno felt eerily familiar, the town square and building facades were similar in style to the book/film illustrations by Martin Lemelman. That made me smile…