site is physically suitable. you spoke a little bit before about the fact that primarily what we are going to be seeing is single-family homes being developed in an area that is a predominately single family location. you spoke a little bit about whether it is generally the nature and feel of the neighborhood that you have these attached homes. i think your answer was that there are examples in the neighborhood. is that correct? that is correct. i do not have the map in front of me. there are a lot of attached homes, particularly in the long blocks, forester as well as the other street, which is stanford heights. there is an extensive pattern of detached homes. we did find that. i want to also know we did find that this subdivision is compliant with the general plan, particularly with the housing bill the housing element. we found it was compliant with policy 1.4, which is to locate in-fill housing on appropriate sites. that came up at the planning commission hearing, the
alamos. there will have the minor setback that is being proposed. supervisor alioto-pier: 43 lots that will be built on, they move into the corner house s backyard? will you repeat that? supervisor alioto-pier: the 3 lots that will be developed do they move into the corner house s backyard? the modification needs to be made to the existing building at the corner. they had to remove part of their expansion into the rear yard to have a code compliant rear yard if the addition went through. the work has already been done. the portion of this building has been removed. they have a code complying rear yard. the buildings are set back a few feet from the front of the property line in respect to the existing pattern. this is the site plan of the proposal. these are three new lots. this is the existing house. this is going to be the fourth lot. this is forester. this is los alamos. the existing houses there this is the larger of the two lots. the three other lots as you c
policies could be met and fulfilled. supervisor chu: just a question about the size and bulk of the proposed three buildings or three homes. are they generally it seems from pictures i have seen that they look fairly consistent with the house with the height of surrounding homes in the area. you are not seeing a home being proposed that is much higher than other ones? no. the houses are actually extremely consistent with the pattern out there. it is basically one story over a garage. they are modest houses. it is consistent with the pattern of development out there. they are not going higher. supervisor chu: a final question. a consistent thought that was expressed by many of the individuals who came to speak today was about how this could set a precedent that this would be potentially a pervasive issue. what are we seeing in the miraloma area? are there tons of these open lots where we could see this occurred? we actually are not seeing a lot of applications for this
have a code compliant rear yard if the addition went through. the work has already been done. the portion of this building has been removed. they have a code complying rear yard. the buildings are set back a few feet from the front of the property line in respect to the existing pattern. this is the site plan of the proposal. these are three new lots. this is the existing house. this is going to be the fourth lot. this is forester. this is los alamos. the existing houses there this is the larger of the two lots. the three other lots as you can see, what we do is kind of complicated. i am not that good at it. we kind of average the distance between the front property lines of the adjacent properties and come up with his average. that is where the front property line needs to line up. there is a minor setback in front of each of these properties. they are taking up the entire width of the lot. however, they do have required rear yard space. obviously, the corner lot has a
does not diminished rental housing. policy at 1.5 promotes existing housing that enhances the neighborhood character. in total, the commission and department found that because with the subdivision of this lot into these elements, these policies could be met and fulfilled. supervisor chu: just a question about the size and bulk of the proposed three buildings or three homes. are they generally it seems from pictures i have seen that they look fairly consistent with the house with the height of surrounding homes in the area. you are not seeing a home being proposed that is much higher than other ones? no. the houses are actually extremely consistent with the pattern out there. it is basically one story over a garage. they are modest houses. it is consistent with the pattern of development out there. they are not going higher. supervisor chu: a final question. a consistent thought that was expressed by many of the individuals who came to speak today was about how this c