The Fairfield Fall Fun Fest kicks off tonight with the Roasted Chestnuts, sponsored by the Wayne County Press, on the main stage at 6pm. At 7 it's Church Night Gospel Music, sponsored by Johnson and Vaughn Funeral Home. Tomorrow is the FNB 5k run/walk, registration is at 4:30 on the corner of Court and 4th streets, the run/walk will start at 6pm, also on tomorrow is the Fun Fest Prince and Princess Contest at 5:30 on the main stage, sponsored by Fairfield Banking Company, and Miss Fall Fun Fest starts at 8pm on the main stage. Miss Fall Fun Fest is co-sponsored by The Chop Shop and Fry's Excavating. A reminder to the public that Main Street (IL HWY 15) will be closed through Sunday morning (9/18). The closed portion of Main Street is from First Street, east to NE 4th Street, including the 100 blocks of NE/SE 2nd Streets and NE/SE 3rd Streets (FNB drive thru will be accessible from SE 3rd Street during daytime). The Illinois Department of Transportation has designated the deto