Letters to the editor: Trump, China and Covid
17 Jan, 2021 04:00 PM
8 minutes to read
Outgoing US president Donald Trump. Photo / AP
NZ Herald
For those wondering how dictators rise to power in a democracy, the recent events in the United States, sadly, provide a case study.
A leader with little or no regard for democratic institutions; elected representatives and officials who pledge fealty to the leader and enable the leader to pursue the assault on such institutions with impunity; and sections of the media that perpetuate falsehoods all conspire to set the table.
The recent actions of many Republicans in Congress reveal their commitment to democracy and their oath of office is wafer-thin or non-existent. For a vibrant democracy in the United States, the actions of this rump bode ill. Let us hope that donors, voters and good people assume the task of removing and replacing them in the near future.