By Brenda León Magnite shares fell in after-hours trading Wednesday after the advertising technology company lowered its outlook for adjusted earnings this.
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June 23
Pre-order: The Ukrainian Seniors’ Centre will host a Canada Day curbside hot luncheon featuring pyrohy, cabbage rolls and oven-roasted chicken for $12. Quantities will be limited. Pre-order by June 29 by calling 705-673-7404. The centre also has fresh pryohy and cabbage rolls available Monday to Friday. They will also be available for purchase at the Canada Day event for $10.
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Try refreshing your browser. Things to do in Sudbury, June 23 to June 25 Back to video
Register now: Although the summer months can be quite hectic for families when dealing with schedules because of summer trips, the Sudbury Performance Group has designed four different two-week sessions for parents to choose from when registering children. Sessions run July 12-23, July 26-Aug. 5, Aug. 9-20 and Aug. 23-Sept. 3. The cost per session is $275 per session, with 10 per cent discounts for additional family members. To download a regist