SOUDAN- The Breitung Town Board is asking St. Louis County planning officials whether the Vermilion Park Inn has a conditional use permit, as appears to be required by current zoning regulations. The …
SOUDAN- Trevor Banks began his new role as Breitung Fire Chief on Feb. 1. Banks was selected for the position by the department at their annual meeting in January and was approved by the town board …
Stephanie Ukkola
BREITUNG- The Breitung Board called for bids on sewer work throughout Soudan at their June 24 meeting. The project consists of replacement and repair of over 20 manholes and work on larger sections of sewer on South Street and on 4th Street between Jasper and Gordon streets. Residents on these streets will be notified, their sewer lines checked by camera, and will be given the opportunity to replace their own sewer lines while the contractor is available.
JPJ Engineering estimated the project will cost $580,000. The township has received grants from IRRRB for $145,000 with a match requirement and from CDBG for $100,000. The township plans to do some of the simpler work themselves as an in-kind match for the IRRRB funding. Bids will be opened at a special meeting on Tuesday, July 13 at 12:30 p.m.