lenders. for trump, the targets seem to be company that is are outsourcing. i tell you what, if i were a ceo, i hope my name is not on breitbart.com, because that is the target list for trump. that is the website that steve bannon ran before he joined the trump campaign. dan, what about the boeing episode, the vice president-elect said, look, it seems to be more $4 billion of cost overruns. for the redesigning and creating a new air force one. he said, cancel the contract, and i ve looked, i haven t seen evidence so far of $4 billion worth of overruns because i haven t even i don t think the final contract has been struck. i suspect he may be pulling back from that one because i have not seen there s any $4 billion contract yet at all. i mean, the danger here in going case by case is that one of donald trump s most famous phrases, he s going to drain the swamp. this sort of thing fills the swamp. this fills the swamp with
the election ended three weeks ago. hey, i don t know your vote anymore, but i m telling you i m very good at that. welcome back to a.m. joy. if you need more proof that donald trump now that he has been elected is particularly has a particular predilection for mocking his own supporters, can keep tuning into trump thank-you tours or take a look at his cabinet picks. when it comes to his labor secretary pick, fast food ceo andy pudzer trump fans are not amused. soon after the nomination news broke on thursday breitbart publicly aired its grievances with an article titled trump expected to tap labor secretary who prefers foreign labor to american workers. news flash, breitbart and pudzor r likes robot workers even more. ann coulter expressed her displeasure to nick kay haley, after nick kay haley i expect the next cabinet to be obama.
breitbart, earth is not cooling, climate change is lead and please stop misleading americans and this video. here s the thing, scientists don t care about your opinion. cherry picking and twisting the facts won t change the opinion nor the fact that the earth is warming. and weather.com offered the right wing site one last piece of advice, quote, to our friends at breitbart the next time you write a collide change article and need fact checking article, we re here for you. this topic is too important to get wrong. up next, how fake news almost turned deadly. stay with us. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they re not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that s why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident s unique micro clean formula
with me malcolm nance and jennifer rubin. peter, i ll start with you. that headline sounds so insane that it s hard to believe anybody would believe it and walk us through how fake news stories like that are spread. how it goes from facebook to twitter to reddit. tell us how it spreads and what it reddit. yeah. it starts oftentimes either on websites like breitbart, info wars, conspiracy clearing houses and goes to places online where people who are inclined to believe this stuff meet and share this together, on reddit, and there s sort of this like they bounce it back and for the, like it s a broken game of telephone between the conspiracy theorists and the people who are pushing them forwards and then eventually, you know, it will break, it will bring in more people and you have casual news users who are just stumbling across on reddit and feel like they found something big and horrible, for instance, like a
greg, we had you on to talk about urology stone article dated august 24th, titled the gop stealth war against voters will an anti-fraud program designed by one of trump s advisors deny tens of thousands the right to vote created by someone who is now up for a job in the trump administration. election officials in more than two dozen states have compiled citizens they are registered in more than one state and eligible to be purged from the voting roles obtaining a list of more than 1 million the cross-check against solid democratic constituency with some of those in tight senate races. to your knowledge, was cross-check in use in states like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina, states that hillary clinton