platonium. the light water reactor is much simpler but produces more waste. it was chosen by rick over to be the reactor for the submarine. there are many things to be said for light water reactors and there is something to be said against them. but with rick over s influence, the light water reactor became a principle reactor around the world. we developed water reactors but we looked at that as a near term short raised stepping stone to real new clear power, the breeder reactor. that s what we consider to be the most likely real long range for nuclear power. but the water reactor that is marketed at first.
believed it was. i was right there at the beginning of this. it was my chance to do something for humankind. this, after all, was an unlimited source of energy. i assumed that all electrical power, if we were successful, would be generated by nuclear means. in the 50s there were two kinds of reactors being developed. the breeder reactor, which neither one was a prototype for and the light water reactor. the breeder reactor breeds p
believed it was. i was right there at the beginning of this. it was my chance to do something for humankind. this, after all, was an unlimited source of energy. i assumed that all electrical power, if we were successful, would be generated by nuclear means. in the 50s there were two kinds of reactors being developed. the breeder reactor, which neither one was a prototype for and the light water reactor. the breeder reactor breeds platonium.
the fact iran is prepared to spend what it needs to broaden and deepen the nuclear weapons program. they issued their regular quarterly report which showed iran continuing to expand and modernize the enrichment process, making progress on a water reactor, a breeder reactor for the plutonium. iran not worried at all about the united states. the only question is what the government of israel decides to do in the next months. you mentioned the iea and that report they issued this last week. look, they say that iran, they ve installed even more advance centrifuges. what does this mean when they install more advanced equipment and how close can they be to potentially achieving a nuclear bomb? the enrichment hulls are huge, could hold up to 20,000
television show, i want to talk about us. a united nations weather forecast shows the radioactive plume sweeping across the pacific ocean right now and reaching southern california by tomorrow, friday, but officials say radiation levels this is what officials say radiation levels will dissipate by the time the cloud reaches the united states, the west coast, and pose no danger or health risk to americans. what is can you give us do you the common sense to tell us how dangerous is the the word plume. i know it doesn t mean mushroom cloud. yeah. it sounds close enough, though to most people, my god, this thing. i grew up in the 50s and we re used to these misty clouds transforming people into shrinking men and all kinds of things affecting us. right. is it truly not dangerous? what we re going to see is not dangerous. let me put it into context. if you look at chernobyl, you had a reactor with a major fire with graphite, lofted that material 30,000 feet, 40,000 feet