is here on the wrong. what is the general public think about the e.u. these days. how do you feel about the e.u. force if the rules are decided over our heads and just imposed on us simply britain wants to leave the e.u. would you like germany to leave to go to an absolutely and we should go back to the dutch mark so. what s the most common preconception about the e.u. that you hear most for you know that every country does its own thing we don t really have an e.u. . that s going to be i m horrified by developments such as breck s it and what s happening in hungary you know marco i mean if it s not good that every country does its own thing on its own right now i have my doubts about it of its life or if people are fed up with the e.u. . the most often heard objections on
have twenty to twenty three percent of the seats in parliament if they all teamed up from the east and from north to thousand and that forces other parties to form a grand could have could listen to a vote on anything and also to vote upon a huge commission president the job that to be but in terms of want to have so both of the men have to form a grand coalition to achieve this in this is very very difficult in the future you know there s that the big elephant in the room which is populism and also breck s it what do you make of today s news that britain will be participating in these elections later this month despite the decision it made almost three years ago to lead the european union. may i say it is back on the stage in brussels we missed a little bit because of a side and it shows that the government in britain has no clue how to come out of
this bracks at mess because they have to admit we have to vote and we will be in the european union at least until october of this year and breck s it is also a topic for the parliamentary elections because the deputies that come from britain will be all the help of them to the euro skeptics and right wingers so they could tip the scale actually in the grouping in the parliament to the right wingers and the brits could make the difference in the next party and the brits could make the difference and then be gone in just a matter of months after the election. on the story for us tonight from brussels thank you barry. our sports news now liverpool have stage an incredible comeback to advance to the finals of the champions league with a victory over barcelona missing two of their biggest stars the merseyside years had to overcome a three gold deficit from the first leg and they did two goals from devo already
well of these two men who want things to stay just the way they are at the irish border they view breck s it as a threat to peace and stability in the region. that no one wants the troubles to return that. ok let s go now to the spanish region of galicia where twenty years ago the town of ponce very drove banned cars from entering the town center and gave the streets back to the people the man at the center of that decision was made go fernandez laurus who was then and is still the mayor of point of the trip he made the case that yes cars stand for mobility and freedom but they re also noisy dirty and dangerous and most people in the town are glad that they ve gone down a different road from other places the point of a dress has long been a stopover for pilgrims taking the way of st james but now it s become
origins of the political conflict can from that s why three hundred thousand british soldiers and northern ireland during the course of the thirty year conflict . some bricks of supporters say the answer to the problem is a smart border with infrared cameras and motion sensors but among locals there s also huge opposition to the idea. the problem with. any take knology installed at this border will not last twenty four hours. why because it will be either blown up by paramilitaries ripped down by respectable people like me. by. the well of these two men who want things to stay just the way they are at the irish border they view breck s it as a threat to peace and stability in the region and no one wants the troubles to