BREC staff was notified of allegations that an employee at Farr Park Equestrian Center exchanged inappropriate communications with a teenager taking lessons at the facility.
history here, craigslist came out and said we ll manually screen the ads to protect the women and children. so here at cnn we conducted an investigation to put a check on craigslist, were they doing what this they promised the public they would do? we created this ad where we clearly wroes $200 an hour and put the words, sweet , innocent or a new girl. despite the fact that this brec all of craigslist s rules it was posted online anyway and we brought the results of our investigation to the founder of craigslist. craig newmark. they are saying they re monitoring the ads on adult services to check to see if the girls are under age so we put some words in here. sweet , innocent , new girl. we ll see if craigslist lets her ad post and we ll see what kinds of calls we get.