Dec 14, 2020 13:41 UTC
GE Healthcare and St. Luke’s University Health Network Accelerate Breast Cancer Care with First One-Stop Clinic in the U.S. CHICAGO (Business Wire) GE Healthcare (NYSE: GE) today announced St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania will pilot the nation’s first rapid diagnostic breast cancer center model. The One-Stop Clinic breast care model, which originated at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Center in France, has been shown to improve clinical outcomes and speed up breast cancer diagnosis and treatment planning.
In 2019, GE Healthcare and Premier Inc. announced plans to collaboratively work with a Premier member health system to open the first One-Stop Clinic model for breast cancer in the U.S. The multi-modality approach is designed to provide patients with a coordinated journey from the initial appointment through diagnosis and treatment plan in one location and with one team – all in a significantly shorter timeframe.