he never went there with the intent to do her harm or to kill her, but to confront her over something. i think you ll likely see this was a break-up situation where he went there perhaps an altercation broke out between the two of them, and then the next thing was that it went too far, and she was killed. trying to bring this case into a manslaughter type of situation, the defense will say there was no premeditation, there was no deliberation, but this was a heat of passion type of killing. jane: so the best you can do is get a lower charge? well, that s certainly what they re going to focus on now. obviously, this was a very bad crime scene. there s consciousness of guilt, taking the computer. the computer does hold a lot of evidence as to any prior threats. that goes to premeditation, so the defense is going to have to carefully look at that evidence. jane: nicole, as shannon referenced there, there may be some crucial evidence on that computer, potentially death threats? absolut