at 11:00 a.m. eastern. deadline: white house is next after this quick break. break ® n with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at (cecily) what s up, einstein? (einstein)ble in cinnabon® my network has gone kaput! (cecily) oh, you tried to save a buck on it? (einstein) i got what i paid for. not so smart. (cecily) nah, you re still a genius. but, there is a smarter way to save. (einstein) oh?! (cecily) switch to verizon! for a limited time, get welcome unlimited for just $25/line. (einstein) $25?! (cecily) and it s guaranteed for 3 years! (einstein) brilliant! (cecily) well, you would know. (einstein) i m switching! (cecily) i think the bike s probably faster. (vo) now is the best time to switch to verizon. for just $25 a line. guaranteed for 3 years. the savings that last. on the network you want.
micron in semiconductor manufacturing. he s hoping things like that might resonate with voters especially in a state like new york, in a district that is highly competitive as well. so the white house really over the course of the next week and a half is expected to try to lean-in more to this economic messaging. the president not just touting his achievements but also trying to draw a clear line in where he believes republicans are different from the democratic agenda. excellent report. arlette saenz, thank you very much. let s get a check on some of the key battle ground states right now. cnn s omar himen ezhas our mid-term count down. reporter: mid-term tensions on the rise in arizona, police making an arrest after a break n at the campaign headquarters for katie hobbs, the secretary of state and democratic candidate for governor. hobbs campaign officials said earlier they believe the man seen here is responsible and placed blame in a statement on her republican opponent kari
spraying his face. we will have much more on our coverage of hurricane irma after this short break. do stay right here with cnn. (dog) yeah, these beneful break-n-bites are great. they ll break off a couple if you sit, you stay. but if you want all four, mmmm. you gotta get cute. you gotta let a baby sleep on your belly. (vo) beneful break-n-bites, with real beef as the #1 ingredient. hi. can you tell me about these new social security alerts i keep hearing about? sure, just sign up online. then we ll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky websites. wow. that s cool. how much is it? oh, it s free if you have a discover card. i like free! yeah, we just want you to be in the know. ooh. hey! sushi. ugh. i smell it! you re making me. yeah, being in the know is a good thing. know if your social security number is found on risky sites. free from discover. kevin, meet yourkeviner. kevin kevin
thoughts, what s wrong with this picture. (dog) yeah, these beneful break-n-bites are great. they ll break off a couple if you sit, you stay. but if you want all four, mmmm. you gotta get cute. you gotta let a baby sleep on your belly. (vo) beneful break-n-bites, with real beef as the #1 ingredient.
separate winners from losers and make mid course corrections. you can t cut all comedies from the same cookie cutters. all you can hope is every night turns out like thursday. yo, angela! next! how rude. quick, i ll give him that. all of television said, oh, well, maybe the sitcoms are alive again. and that s all that it took. it took one success. a few years from now, something new may tempt the people who pick what we see, but it s a very safe guess that whoever gets hot for a season or two, the men and women who create good television comedy been laughing all the way to the bank. neful break-n-bites are great. they ll break off a couple if you sit, you stay. but if you want all four, mmmm. you gotta get cute. you gotta let a baby sleep on your belly. (vo) beneful break-n-bites, with real beef as the #1 ingredient. [boy] cannonball! [girl] don t.