campaign bigger than a flea bite has broken campaign finance law. they will all break campaign finance law in the sense there will be donations received that were improperly done, and in the end, they ll settle up. barack obama, every candidate, everybody has to do this at the end and say this $10,000 went here. but the suggestion at the beginning that ben carson was suspending his campaign to go on a book tour. here s a news flash. ben carson s campaign raised more money than anyone else, and has more cash on hand or had more cash on hand at the end of the last quarter than anybody but ted cruz. give me a break. so your point is, if he needed money to get from one city to the next or put him up in a hotel, he didn t have to violate campaign law to do it, he could have just used the money people are donating to him. he s not going to lose this election for the loss of $5,000.
campaign bigger than a flea bite has broken campaign finance law. they will all break campaign finance law in the sense there will be donations received that were improperly done, and in the end, they ll settle up. barack obama, every candidate, everybody has to do this at the end and say this $10,000 went here. but the suggestion at the beginning that ben carson was suspending his campaign to go on a book tour. here s a news flash. ben carson s campaign raised more money than anyone else, and has more cash on hand or had more cash on hand at the end of the last quarter than anybody but ted cruz. give me a break. so your point is, if he needed money to get from one city to the next or put him up in a hotel, he didn t have to violate campaign law to do it, he could have just used the money people are donating to him. he s not going to lose this