much. 16 months later, kevin found another job. and then he got laid off a second time of the that was completely devastating. devastating, but not unique. in the year 2009 unemployment for men hit an all-time high of 11.2%. this author says stories like theirs are common. she recently wrote a book the richer sex, which talks about today s new brea breed of bread winners. a maintainer of horse majorif supporting the households. certainly the changes in the economy are becoming apparent everywhere. we followed a group of housewives in situations similar to lisa s. they too were the breadwinners of the families. when you look at the percentage of working wives who
much. 16 months later, kevin found another job. and then he got laid off a second time of the that was completely devastating. devastating, but not unique. in the year 2009 unemployment for men hit an all-time high of 11.2%. this author says stories like theirs are common. she recently wrote a book the richer sex, which talks about today s new brea breed of bread winners. a maintainer of horse majorif supporting the households. certainly the changes in the economy are becoming apparent everywhere. we followed a group of housewives in situations similar to lisa s. they too were the breadwinners of the families. when you look at the percentage of working wives who