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Woman attacks taxi driver in self defence

Woman attacks taxi driver in self defence by   A 26-year-old woman from Brazil Vil­lage be­lieved she had al­most the same fate as An­drea Bharatt when she was tak­en forcibly to Heights of Aripo in­stead to her work­place, on Sun­day morn­ing. The woman, who be­came fear­ful for her life, took out a knife and slashed the dri­ver of what seemed to be a li­censed taxi (H-car) across the face. Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 7:10 am on Sun­day 14th Feb­ru­ary 2021, the vic­tim board­ed a taxi, a sil­ver Ti­i­da par­tial plates HCB, at the cor­ner of Wood­ford Street and Broad­way in Ari­ma and re­quest­ed to be tak­en to her work­place at E-Teck in Cu­mu­to.

Decomposed body found in San Rafael

Decomposed body found in San Rafael by   Po­lice are try­ing to as­cer­tain the iden­ti­ty of a bad­ly de­com­posed body which was found in the San Rafael area on Tues­day (19 Jan­u­ary 2021). Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 12:15 pm, a truck dri­ver from Brazil Vil­lage re­port­ed to the po­lice that he found the skele­tal re­mains of a body at Are­na Road, San Rafael, af­ter the bridge in an area Known as “The Ware”. The truck dri­ver told the po­lice that he was hunt­ing in the area when he dis­cov­ered the body hid­den in a bushy area some 60 feet off the Are­na Road.

Two murders overnight

Two murders overnight   Homi­cide of­fi­cers were kept busy overnight fol­low­ing two mur­ders, which oc­curred in sep­a­rate in­ci­dents in Ch­agua­nas and Brazil Vil­lage.   Mur­der in Ch­agua­nas In the first in­ci­dent, 37-year-old Naresh James, of Sar­ju Street, Pe­ters­field in Ch­agua­nas, was shot dead on Tues­day night af­ter the gun­man con­front­ed his wife and their two chil­dren in the bed­room of their home. Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 10 pm, James’ wife was at her home when a man of African de­scent, armed with a firearm and wear­ing a mask, en­tered her bed­room and de­mand­ed that she tell him where her hus­band was.

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