1/1/2024 – Michigan 27, Alabama 20 (OT) – 14-0, 9-0 Big Ten, Big Ten Champs, Rose Bowl Champs I didn't go to the 1998 Rose Bowl. I was a freshman in college, and thought I'd go to the Rose Bowl when I was a senior. Instead I watched the most important Michigan game since 1948 in my then-girlfriend's house. She chatted in a corner with a friend, not really paying attention. At one point her mom mentioned that if Washington State scored a touchdown she would win a quarter in the office squares competition. I regretted my choice then, and regret it more now. I did go to the 2004 Rose Bowl. Michigan lost that one due to a confluence of factors there was a bizarre interception off of Braylon Edwards's foot; Pete Carrol literally refused to run the ball after halftime and was correct but the main one was that USC was the better team. They'd snag a split national championship after the season. Michigan was good, but John Navarre was a seventh-round pick and the ot
Writing this column is always a bit tough after a late game, but doubly so given the fact it's a work week and I wound up watching most of the other semi-final. And this is the 14th one I've written this year, so if this feels short consider it me running a bit on fumes. But I'm incredibly excited to write one more. Worst: Priors Commitment
I'm going to bed in a moment. It's late. And I need to work tomorrow. But let's be honest for a minute - Corporate America is getting nothing out of me tomorrow and that's gonna need to be OK, especially on a January 2nd when most people are just trying to remember their name and what they do for a living. Sorry corporate America. (Ok - I'm totally NOT sorry - but read this anyway.)