Super Blood Moon Dazzles Stargazers, Thousands Share Pictures On Twitter Anyone living between Australia and the United States was able to see an enormous, bright, red Moon if the skies were clear.
Updated: May 27, 2021 2:37 am IST
Super Moon: The eclipse could be seen directly without any visual aid, unlike solar eclipse
Millions of people in many countries witnessed a Super Blood Moon event today. It was the first lunar eclipse in two years, which took place when the Moon was closest to Earth. The celestial event may not take place in the near future, experts say.
Anyone living between Australia and the United States was able to see an enormous, bright, red Moon if the skies were clear.
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I think Elvis became a werewolf.
When I’m not busy trying to figure out how Legos can be LGBTQ, I like to read stories about parallel dimensions and alternative universes. I’m not reading as many of them since Joe Biden hit Washington in January with his 720 bajillion votes and his Occupy Oval Office protest.
Well, I don’t read as many of them in books, that is. Both social and mainstream media keep providing me with word snapshots of Joe Biden’s America that ostensibly describe the country I live in, but don’t jibe with the reality in front of my face.