BETHEL “This is sort of like taking a sledge hammer to a thumb tack,” said Jarrod Crockett, of East Bethel who owns long-term rentals, “Bethel has always been smart about rolling slowly.” Margie Finlay, said, “it might be solving things that potentially aren’t an issue.” Finlay and Crockett, like many others who came to […]
BETHEL New proposed requirements for short term rentals will be discussed when the Bethel Ordinance Review Committee meets on at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 21. “Short-term rental properties are one of the community’s strongest assets. These properties create an expandable bed-base consisting of a wide range of accommodation options that attract many different types of […]
BETHEL The Ordinance Review Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21, at 5:30 p.m. at Town Office to discuss a short-term rental ordinance, confirmed Randy Thurston, code enforcement officer. Thurston wrote to five or six real estate brokers, asking them to spread the word within the market. “I got responses within five […]