Imperial Brands (OTCMKTS:IMBBY – Get Rating) had its price objective lowered by analysts at JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 2,100 ($27.37) to GBX 2,000 ($26.06) in a research note issued on Wednesday, The Fly reports. Separately, Zacks Investment Research cut Imperial Brands from a “buy” rating to a “sell” rating in a report on […]
Shares of Imperial Brands PLC (OTCMKTS:IMBBY – Get Rating) have been given a consensus recommendation of “Hold” by the six analysts that are covering the stock, Marketbeat reports. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, one has issued a hold recommendation and three have assigned a buy recommendation to the company. Separately, […]
/PRNewswire/ The e-cigarette market size in UK is anticipated to grow by USD 1.20 bn from 2020 to 2025. The growth momentum of the market will progress at a.
Zacks Investment Research cut shares of Imperial Brands (OTCMKTS:IMBBY – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a sell rating in a research report sent to investors on Friday morning, reports. According to Zacks, “Imperial Brands PLC manufactures, markets and sells tobacco and tobacco-related products. It offers cigarettes, fine cut tobacco, papers, cigars, snus […]