Author of the article: Brigid Goulem
Publishing date: Jun 15, 2021 • 17 hours ago • 3 minute read A statue of Canada s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald is shrouded by Indigenous supporters at City Park in Kingston on Friday, June 11, 2021, to protest issues related to residential schools. Photo by Ian MacAlpine /The Whig-Standard
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The City of Kingston’s History and Legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald Working Group has formally recommended that the Macdonald statue in City Park be removed.
The group met on Monday night to discuss the statue in response to the continued presence of the Revolution of the Heart ceremonial action, which has covered the statue and is calling for its removal.
The City of Kingston’s working group on the history and legacy of Sir John A Macdonald met on Monday night to discuss the Macdonald statue in City Park in response to the continued presence of the Revolution of the Heart Ceremonial Action group who have covered the statue and are calling for its removal.
Indigenous people who have set up a memorial to the 215 children whose bodies were discovered in an unmarked grave on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian…