Different form. Former safety an opening and police set up for the heart. Hours after hinting that he was going to dismantle the Coronavirus Task force and focus on reopening the country now this morning, the president says that that group the cove a task force will continue indefinitely. But hes got other plans that he will be shifting to good morning im darya folsom and im James Fletcher lots to talk about this morning, including those 2 new coronavirus testing sites opening this morning in Santa Clara County more than a 100 people a day are going to be tested at those sites kron fours will tran is in san jose with the story. Hi well. Good morning, gary and open up about 2 minutes ago and already we see a line out the door this is at james Lee High School and you can see for people outside and probably about 3 people inside they will try to test about a 100 people from 7 oclock in the morning to 7 oclock at night. This is not the only location further south in gilroy and christopher