GREENVILLE, S.C. Brandon Hilton of South Gardiner, a freshman graphic design major, was among approximately 720 Bob Jones University students named to the 2022 fall president’s list. The president’s list recognizes students who earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the semester. Check out other upcoming area events!
Legendary Quebec chanteuse Celine Dion has been snubbed by Rolling Stone magazine. For many fans, Dion was a glaring omission from the magazine’s ranking of the 200 greatest singers of all time, published Sunday.
There’s no stronger instinct than a parent’s need to protect his or her child. Last year, a California woman fought off a mountain lion with her bare hands. Why? Because the predator was dragging away her 5-year-old son. She heard a commotion, ran outside and immediately began punching the mountain lion. It fled, and she saved her son’s life.